This is how you know which parent Personas you need to fuse the Persona you want. Lavenza’s menu offers a list of Personas as potential results. Think about passing a Null Fire Damage skill from generation to generation until you get it onto a Persona that would normally be weak to fire, mitigating that weakness completely. The resulting Persona gets to inherit some skills from their parent Personas, so you can get some wild combinations of skills on a single Persona if you’re tricky. Early on, for example, you may fuse Berith and Arsene together to create an Orthus. In the Executions menu, you can take two Personas you already own and fuse them together into a more powerful Persona. This is Lavenza’s most important menu, and the one you’ll spend most of your time with in Persona 5 Strikers. Executions menu | Create New Personas The Execution lists lets you choose the Persona you want Image: P-Studio/Sega via Polygon Once your menu is full or you’re ready or some new Personas, head back to Lavenza in the Velvet Room (via the RV or by finding the jail cell door in whatever town you’re visiting).

When you defeat an enemy in Persona 5 Strikers, there’s a chance that it’ll drop its Mask for you, allowing Joker to summon a version of that enemy as a Persona. Earning Personas Here is our current Persona roster inside of Lavenza’s menu Image: P-Studio/Sega via Polygon Here’s how to get masks and what Lavenza can do or you. Just know that it may take a little grind and a lot of time fiddling around in the Velvet Room to make the magic happen. With careful use of Fusion, you can create an incredible roster in Persona 5 Strikers. With Joker’s ability to wield multiple Personas, you can truly make him the jack-of-all-trades with careful use of Fusion. In Strikers, you can meet with Lavenza in the Velvet Room to fuse Personas together, creating powerful new creatures. The Fusion system in Persona 5 Strikers is complex, though if you’re familiar with the fusion system in Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal, it’s a slightly more simplistic version of that.